Sunflower Journeys Program 1501
Prairiesta: In honor of the show’s anniversary, the first episode looks at three Kansas celebrations. First is a look at Prairiesta in Russell, a festival so ambitious it only happens every ten years. Sunflower Journeys talks to local organizers as well as Russell native and US Senator Arlen Spector. Svensk Hyllningsfest: This story features a visit to Lindsborg, a small town in central Kansas that boasts it’s “more Swedish than Sweden.” Sunflower Journeys explores the Scandinavian music, cuisine and folk dancing of the biannual Svensk Hyllningsfest. Wichita’s Riverfest: Sunflower Journeys talks with citizens and city officials in Wichita about the festival’s history, as well as recent challenges caused by pollution in the Arkansas River.
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